William Bernard Hamacher
Marine Private First Class Hamacher was a member of the 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, 3rd Marine Division with Bravo Company. He was the son of William and Rose Hamacher of Gloucester, New Jersey. He had one brother and two sisters. PFC Hamacher was born on July 11, 1949 and was killed in action on May 22, 1968 in Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam when Bravo Company was attacked in an ambush in Con Thien. In letters to his family PFC Hamacher commented that he was proud to be a Marine and that he planned to attend college, after his discharge from the service, with hopes of becoming a mathematics teacher.
When PFC Hamacher's parents were initially asked about allowing their son's photo to be placed in the Memorial Chapel, they were hesitant to do so. They wrote: “we know he would not want his memory to be connected with any of the so-called peace marchers who tear down and burn the flag he so honored and desecrate the country he died for.”
At the time of his death, PFC Hamacher was 18 years old and was single.