Charles S. Kirkland Jr
Marine Lance Corporal Kirkland was a member of the 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, 3rd Marine Division with Bravo Company. He was the son of Charles and Mary Lee Kirkland of Kennett, Missouri. LCPL Kirkland was born December 10, 1947 and was killed in action on May 22, 1968 in Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam when Bravo Company was attacked in an ambush in Con Thien.
LCPL Kirkland was a graduate of Kennett High School and he worked at the Kennett Safeway store before enlisting with the Marines. Ms. Barbara Webb fondly recalled how kind, caring and thoughtful he was with everyone. She remembers him as Stanley – how he never grew tired of helping anyone and what a wonderful boy he was growing up. Ms. Webb and her sister sang songs at his funeral – songs he had chosen before he left to war. He wrote everything he wanted down and stored it in his Bible so that no one especially his mother and father would have to worry about his funeral.
At the time of his death, LCPL Kirkland was 20 years old and was single.
David Westphall Veterans Foundation
Board of Directors and Memorial Staff